Hair Scarf

When we went to the beach last weekend, hair was completely out of control. Wind + salt water and my hair do not mix well. For next time, I’ll be wrapping my hair up in a scarf like these (Madewell always has some gorgeous options).

images onetwothree, fourfive
Have a happy weekend!

Mint + Rose

Such a gorgeous color combination.
For the mint rose water: mix 2 cups of cool water, a quarter teaspoon of rosewater, two sprigs of mint, and a few rose petals. 

recipe and image one via
image two via


Nothing too exciting to report from our weekend, except:
1. Having the best ice cream of our lives. (Salted caramel and milk chocolate Guinness. Mmmm.)
 2. New Anthro knobs, an easy and inexpensive sprucer-upper.
How was your weekend?