Closet Visit

I just found the best blog! Closet Visit visits amazing women’s stylish closets and gives us a peek inside. Love.

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(P.S. Mandy is also doing an awesome closet series that I’m loving.)

Ev’s Shower

I flew back to the east coast this past week for my sister, Evelyn’s, wedding shower. It was so nice being with family and friends and helping with wedding planning. She gets married on May 30!

Also: Did a guest post while I was away for the sweet and beautiful Rachel of Little Bits of Lovely. Go have a look at her gorgeous blog!

Punch of Yellow

I really want to start a fabric collection and just make pillows and runners and cloth napkins whenever I want. I’d start with a pillow that looks like this.

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P.S. Thank you for all of your sweet comments about my chairs the other day! It means so much! 
Have a great weekend!

Dining Chairs

After our first successful Craigslist find, I began perusing it again in an attempt to find a set of four chairs for our dining area. And I found these girls:

I started having serious doubts after we brought them home. I really started questioning myself and my “furniture eye.” The lady we bought them from was horrified when I told her I wanted to repaint and possibly reupholster them. But that well-worn, brown look wasn’t for me.

After a coat of primer, two coats of paint, and some new fabric, here they are now. I’m so pleased with the result!

{Requested} Some during photos:

After removing the seats (ours screwed out, but I think most just pop out), and some primer and paint.

Originally, I bought this fabric but I wasn’t too crazy about it. Nothing inherently wrong with it, but it just wasn’t quite right. I ended up returning it.

Reupholstering! We left about two inches around the edges to staple. I held the fabric while Matt stapled. I highly recommend using two people for reupholstering, it made it much easier.
This is the final fabric. For some reason it’s always out of stock (I kept checking up on it and got lucky before it quickly sold out again) but I recently found a similar fabric (for slightly more expensive) at Calico Corners.