
One of the things we’ll be getting for our London flat {aah!} is new bedding. I love the look of all white, like a hotel. I’m looking for good quality, super soft, ones that won’t pill, and won’t wrinkle. What are your favorite sheets? Right now I have my eye on these but I’d love to hear your thoughts!

15 comments on “Sheets

  1. I have those exact sheets! We have a love/hate relationship. They get so wrinkled it drives me crazy. I mean who really has time to iron sheets?
    Ironed they are fab.

  2. This is going to sound insane, but my absolute favorite sheets are the ones from the mall kiosks. They’re like a 1500 thread count Egypt Cotton blend and omg they are SO soft – not to mention SO freakin cheap ($30). The only bad part is they’re a little plain, but I’ve come to like it that way.

    P.S. If you have no idea what I’m talking about I’ll be glad to send you some!

  3. OMG just got caught up on the fact that you are moving to London! SOOOO jealous, this sounds like such an adventure! I’ve always had white sheets from Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic Couture, and how fitting! She is from London!

  4. I figured out what thread count and mix of materials I prefer, then shopped the various bedding clearance events on until I found a $200 set for $45 and they are amazing!

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