Operation Bar Cart

{Sorry about the outlet and cords, ew.}

I was looking over my New Year’s resolutions that I created at the beginning of 2013 and realized that a small goal I set was to turn our bar cart into a full, working bar cart. It hit me that I’ve failed horribly on this one — part of it had to do with our big move across the pond, but it’s pretty clear that this is nowhere near being as fab as it could be. It’s sort of turned into a place to store random things that don’t have anywhere else to go, with a bottle or two of pretty liqueur {which we have yet to tap into.} This said, I think 2014 will be the year of the bar cart and I’m looking to Pinterest for lots of inspiration on how to fill it up. I’ll be starting with this pretty bottle, this shaker, this tool setthese straws. What else should I add? Thoughts? 

11 comments on “Operation Bar Cart

  1. It has such potential! I kept scouring Pinterest but found that if I keep what we actually use/ drink on the bar cart it works much better. DEATH TO OUTLETS AND CORDS!!! I’m having the hardest time concealing them in my new apartment. They are also conveniently placed behind my bar car, grrrr.

  2. Love the goodies you’ve picked out to style your new bar cart. I also, love the print you have above the cart now &. those pink & gold glasses!
    Can’t wait to see it when you’re finished:)
    XO, Gina

  3. You bar cart is already looking pretty and I like how you styled it (also above and underneath it with the print and books). I am planning to have one too in our new house and I was thinking about perhaps adding fresh blooms in a small vase, lemons/limes (for a touch of colour) and maybe decanting some of the alcohol into quirky and original looking bottles (to add a bit of texture). And I agree – Pinterest is fabulous for inspiration and I’ve been pinning bar cart inspiration pins like crazy, too!

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