Sparkly Rings

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend! Mine was wonderful, I met some more of Matt’s extended family and he got to show me around where he grew up. It was so nice being with Matt for Thanksgiving, and yesterday was our easiest goodbye yet. (It was our last one! He comes to bring me back out west in two weeks.)
Now, I just have to get through finals.

Meanwhile, I’m loving these sparkly rings for the holidays.

P.S. More rings.


Happy early Thanksgiving! I’m off to see Matt (finally…we haven’t seen each other since mid-October.) We’ll have Thanksgiving with his family, and on Saturday we’re having a reception for his friends and family that couldn’t make it to our wedding. So excited!
I have so much to be thankful for this year.
My new husband.
Chick-Fil-A’s Peppermint Chocolate Chip Milkshakes. I’m obsessed with them. I may weigh 400 pounds come graduation.
That I found a recipe for Peppermint Chocolate Chip Milkshakes so I can make them every day for the rest of my life.
My family.
My education.
That I graduate in 17 days.

Have a happy, happy Thanksgiving!